10. Despite being located in land-locked Nashville, Tennessee, tonight I saw an old “Woodie” driving around the neighborhood, complete with surf boards tied to the roof. I wonder if Percy Priest Lake offers some good waves?

9. An owl lives in my back yard.

8. We have a dog park.

7. We have several people parks, including one with a state-of-the-art community center.

6. I’m pretty sure we have more Volkswagens per capita than any other place in the state.

5. Cottage -style bungalows? Check.
Ranch homes? Check.
Antebellum plantation homes? Check.
Vintage stucco homes that look like mini-Hollywood piazzas? Check.

4. I can walk to the corner store and grab a gallon of milk (it’s a long walk, but hey, I can do it).

3. See that guy with the tattoos and piercings, picking up trash on the side of the road? No, he’s not serving jail time…he’s the president of his neighborhood association, and they’re sponsoring a community clean-up day.

2. The local restaurant management worries about us if we miss watching a Preds game at their bar.

1. We’re the crunkest ‘hood in town!