We saw the neurosurgeon at the children’s hospital on Monday. Originally our pediatrician thought they might do the de-tethering surgery when David is 2 or 3 years old, but the neurosurgeon recommends we do the surgery when David is 3-6 months old.
I’m scared for my baby to have surgery, but I agree with the reasoning behind it. Sometimes physicians wait to do the surgery until there are signs of neurological impairment (trouble walking or incontinence), but our neurosurgeon prefers to do the surgery before problems appear because occasionally the damage cannot be reversed.
The next step is an MRI to confirm the diagnosis. David will need to fast for 6 hours and then be sedated before the procedure. That’s very frustrating, because our pediatrician scheduled an MRI when David was a few days old, but the neurosurgeon canceled it because he wanted to talk to us first. However, he didn’t tell us anything on Monday that couldn’t be said over the phone. He didn’t even examine David.
Sigh. I’ll definitely be turning to some of you NICU moms for your pro surgery support. I have no idea how I’ll cope with a hungry baby for several hours. My brother has suggested that they sedate me as well.
If I’ve been listening to the doctors correctly, David’s specific condition is called lipomyelomeningocele. It’s actually fairly rare, less common than what’s traditionally known as spina bifida (myelomeningocele).  The prognosis seems to be very good, but of course we’ll know more after the MRI.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! They are appreciated!