SavethePredators and OurTeamNashville are doing a great job spearheading the drive for Preds ticket sales. Radio station 104.5 the Zone is leading the effort as well by sponsoring an all-day ticket-thon on July 19, capped off with an evening Preds rally.

I really appreciate all these efforts to help the Preds, and they’ve inspired me to come up with a few sales-boosting ideas of my own:

5. The team needs to make an OKGO-style YouTube video. Actually, they need to perform the treadmill video, with the addition of hockey sticks.

4. The “100 Ways to Use Predators Tickets” list needs to be updated to include “disarming a bomb” as an important use of tickets (see MacGyver episode entitled ‘Phoenix Under Siege‘).

3. Next year’s theme for the Predators Foundation Unmasked Ball? Night at the Roxbury.

2. Ditch the dancers and bring back the Puck Patrol! (Nothing personal, dancers, but you’re boring, and the Puck Patrol threw more t-shirts.)

1. LOLcats on!

So what are your ideas for selling more Preds tickets? Comment below.