Hi, gang.

Just an update to say I’m surviving. Boy, life with two kids is hard. I love my boys, though. I can’t imagine life any other way.

I feel like I’ve recovered from my C-section, but I’m having trouble recovering from the months of bed rest. I just don’t have any stamina. I want to be active and chasing Ian around the house, but I really just feel like sitting on the couch all day. I’m hoping that regular exercise will help. Right now I’m taking a hula hoop class, which is fun but brutal.

I’m still carrying 20 pounds of baby weight. That’s a bit hard to accept. With Ian, I didn’t gain a lot of weight even though he was 9.5 lbs, so I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight within a few weeks. This time around I have a harder journey ahead of me. I’m nursing, and I feel like I’m hungry all the time, but the weight isn’t melting off. For now I have a closet full of clothes that don’t fit.

In fun news, David rolled over from tummy to back tonight!