Ah…my resolve not to google David’s condition lasted less than a week.

We actually had a pediatrician appointment yesterday, and I was able to hear a little bit more about what’s going on with David’s back. I found much of what our doctor said very comforting. The condition is called “tethered cord syndrome,” and with a successful surgery we can expect David to run, jump, and skate just as well as his big brother. The timing depends on the opinion of the neurosurgeon, but we may be looking at surgery in the next couple of years, not the next couple of months. I’m sure that will still be hard when the time comes, but for now I am glad that the timetable is longer than I thought. The doctor really seemed positive about everything considering we were worried about a more devastating diagnosis (for instance, a spot that left neural tissue exposed).

I didn’t feel very good after googling “tethered cord syndrome,” though. I knew I should have held off on that one. I read all the complications that can happen when the problem isn’t treated early, which left me wondering if it really would be okay to wait a couple of years on the surgery (glad we’ll be seeing a neurologist to help with that one and that I don’t have to depend on the wisdom of the interwebs). I also read that this problem is considered a neural tube defect related to spina bifida, which of course left me searching my brain to see if I remembered to take my prenatal vitamins during those first few weeks of pregnancy (i.e. — is this my fault?).

I really won’t have any more answers until our appointment at the children’s hospital in February. Until then, I am trying to choose faith over fear and count the many blessings we do have in this situation. Thanks for your prayers.

P.S. — We did find out at the pediatrician appointment that David is gaining weight really well; I am so grateful for that!