The last few weeks of this pregnancy are turning out to be very frustrating. Not for any particular reason — happily, baby and I are very healthy. I’m just so restless.

I was hoping to be set free from bed rest this past Monday, but no such luck. My doctor is out of town this weekend, and he would rather me not go into labor while he is gone. I’m good with that reasoning; I trust my doctor and really want him to do the delivery. Plus, baby really needs to cook an extra week if possible and make it to 37 weeks. Nonetheless, I was disappointed to find out I still have restrictions this week.

I did get a few more bits of freedom, though. I’ve been allowed to get up to make a sandwich or just stretch my legs for 10 minutes for the past couple of weeks. This week my doctor gave me permission to make a few outings in a wheelchair — shopping, hockey game, etc. — as long as I didn’t walk around. So even though I still have to lay down much of the day, I am grateful for these new developments.

All the same, I am frustrated and moody much of the day. I want to be up, organizing the house, preparing for baby, wrapping gifts! It feels so odd to be almost done but not quite there. In the mornings I wake up and think, “Oh, I need to get out of bed, because I should get up and……um…..well…..nothing, I guess. I just need to lay here.”

As discontented as I am, though, I think about the rest of the quote I used in my title –

“Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York;”

I remind myself that this winter of discontent will be made summer, by the birth of my son and the birth of THE Son of God, who paid for failings of my human nature.