On Monday, I got to go to a normal doctor appointment.

For the past 4 months, I have had an OB or MFM appointment at least every two weeks, often once a week. At every appointment, save two extra checkups to monitor me for gestational diabetes, I have had an ultrasound (and not just the cute tummy ultrasound, either, if you know what I mean). One memorable week at the beginning of this journey, I had 4 ultrasounds in 8 days.

So when my doctor suggested we forgo an ultrasound and do a regular exam for this week’s appointment I grinned and said, “Absolutely!”

On Monday, I got to go to one office instead of two. On Monday, I got to hear my baby’s heartbeat with a doppler. On Monday, I got to have my belly measured. It was just an ordinary OB exam. It was wonderful.

And the best part of all? I got put on modified bed rest. I’m still mostly restricted to the bed, but I can get up to make a sandwich or walk around the house for a couple of minutes. I try to limit myself to 10 minutes every hour so I don’t overdo it (yes, this workaholic needs her boundaries!), and I still can’t do housework, but I am so happy to have a tiny bit of freedom back. Using the microwave has never been so empowering!