I am so much to be thankful for this year.

I am thankful to still be pregnant.

I am thankful for a new (old) house where each of my boys can have their own bedrooms – a wonderful luxury!

Most of all, I am very, very thankful for the friends and family who have helped us through this busy season of bedrest and moving. So many of you have supported us with prayers, entertainment, food, company, and even financial blessings, and we really appreciate it.

I’ve always tended to be one of the “busy” people…..one of the people in the Good Samaritan story who passed by the person who needed help. Oh, sure, I love to help “when I can,” as long as it fits into my schedule and budget. I hope that the compassion I have received in the past few months will remain in my heart and mind forever and move me to take extra time for those around me who need help.

Oh, and I’m also thankful for cheesy Christmas music.