Now that I am on bed rest, it usually falls to Paul to scrounge up something for dinner. He’s always done a lot of the cooking for our family, but now he has to cook while keeping up with a 19-month-old and somehow squeeze it in between work and household chores. We often receive meals from friends and family, which is great, but it’s nice when Paul gets to cook — it makes life feel a little bit more normal.

However, as I’ve been making meal plans for each week, I’ve noticed us falling into a rut. There are only certain meals we can squeeze into the tiny amount of time that is available to us. Dishes that require a lot of preparation or a long baking time aren’t always practical.

So I am turning to you, talented friends. What are your go-to quick-and-easy recipes? Gimme gimme.

Here are the picky requirements, though:
– The meals must involve very little processed food.  We try to stay away from sodium, preservatives, and corn syrup.
– The meals must truly be easy from the start. So, starting with a cup of cooked chicken leftover from last night’s homemade soup is cheating — that actually requires the extra prep of cooking chicken before starting the rest of the easy dish, because we generally don’t have leftover cooked chicken sitting in our fridge.
– Paul won’t eat beans, and I won’t eat fish. And I probably won’t eat eggs (that’s a pregnant thing for me).

Okay, chefs, are you up to the challenge? Don’t worry if you are flummoxed by my requirements; we can continue quite happily with our current list of meals. However, I think it might be fun to see what you guys suggest!