My husband and I have created a monster. A hockey monster.

We took our little guy to several Predators games last year, but he was really too young to pay much attention to the action on the ice.

This year, however, seems to be a different story. Although I haven’t been able to go to games with my guys, I’ve seen several pictures that show Ian clapping during player introductions or staring rapt at the ice.

I have been able to experience this new hockey mania in a few ways at home, though. My in-laws kindly bought us cable so I could watch Predators games while stuck in bed. Ian has gotten to watch part of a few games with me, and he’s hooked.

I turned on the TV Thursday night to watch some pre-game, and as soon as Ian saw the ice he pointed excitedly at the television. However, when the pre-game coverage switched to player interviews, he insistently pointed to the remote control and then to the TV in a move I interpreted as “Put the hockey back on!” Apparently in-game footage is the only thing that will pacify my little monster.

Generally, Ian refuses any attempts at singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or “Wheel on the Bus” these days. Yes, the only thing he wants to hear is the “Let’s Go Predators” chant, claps and all.

And when Daddy’s hockey sweater comes out of the laundry, it is received with a point and an exclamation of “ha-eeee!” (“hockey”).

I think my little boy has found his first love.