A few months ago, my son was playing with a new toy when I heard something that stopped me in my tracks.

“I love you!” exclaimed the toy.

Excuse me? This inanimate object claims it loves my son? I don’t think so. No, toy, you do not love my son. (Picture Woody from Toy Story – “YOU ARE A TOOOOYYYYY!!!!!!!”)

Of course, that’s nothing compared to the toy that whimpers when my son doesn’t play with it. When the toy is first nudged, it plays some cheerful music. If no further play ensues, the toy yells at my son, “Come here and play!”

And if my son still is uninterested? The toy whimpers. Like a sad puppy.

Eventually, the toy surrenders and mutters, “Good bye.” Yes, folks, I seem to have a toy that goes through the stages of grief.

A friend whose child has a different toy from the same company says that their toy mournfully intones, “I’m lonely….”

What gives, toy manufacturers? By creating toys that seem to rely on our children for “happiness,” are you transforming our kids into codependent caretakers before they are out of diapers?

What about you guys? Do you have any emotionally needy toys at your house?