I was watching a movie last night where a character who had recently been released from jail said that instead of serving her time, she tried to let the time serve her. I thought this was rather clever until I googled it and saw that it apparently was one of Paris Hilton’s prison mantras [forehead smack].

Regardless of the source, the saying is apropos for where I am right now.

This has been a really hard week. I am so sick of bed rest. I hate not being able to do what I want, when I want. I want to take care of my son. I want to go to hockey games. I want to spend a few days alternating time with my family and quiet time just by myself.

At the same time, I realized yesterday how many more things I hope to do while on bed rest. This seems like the perfect time to try to pick up German, and it definitely is my best opportunity to crochet blankets for Ian and his brother. I have an Advent calendar for which I need to make some felt animals. I have several books I have wanted to read for a long time. I might even play some Final Fantasy XIII.

So I’m hoping I can spend the next few months letting my bed rest serve me, instead of serving my bed rest.