I love geeky tech stuff. Here are some of my favorite new (to me) developments:

1. Dell Latitude Z. This is a laptop. That charges WIRELESSLY. Yep, you just set this thing down on a pad on your desk, and it starts charging. So cool. Oh, and by the way, it’s super, super thin (just over .5 inch) and it can lock or unlock your computer by recognizing your FACE. Yeah, cool stuff.
(Disclaimer: my awesome husband works for Dell and showed me this products.  However, he’s a printer guy, not a laptop guy. Neither he nor I get any perks for this post.)

2. charity:water’s GPS project tracking. For my birthday, I set up a mycharitywater page in lieu of gifts. In 12-18 months, when the well project funded by this money is completed, charity:water will send me GPS coordinates so I can view photos of the project on their website. What a great way to increase emotional investment in these projects!

3. E-readers. I heart e-readers. I received a nook as a gift, and it is delightful. Definitely my guilty pleasure of the moment. I’m hoping to get around to a full review of the nook eventually.

4. Why Cry Baby Analyzer. This device purports to determine in 20 seconds why your baby is crying. I could have used this 11 months ago! No idea if it actually works, but fascinating, nonetheless.