Wonderful happenings this past weekend, and I am so grateful for everything.

On Friday I got to hear our baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Hurray!

Saturday was a yard work day, and my parents came to our house and helped us create fabulous landscaping for the yard. I am absolutely amazed at everything that Paul and my parents were able to do in one day (I did a little bit of work, but my job mostly consisted of bringing lots of water to the workers). The landscape plan was created by Alan Murdock of Arthouse Gardens, although we’ve only implemented part of Alan’s vision so far.

Also on Saturday, our foster dog got adopted! Yep, Khan has a new family, and I am so happy for him. Apparently his new owners wanted a buddy for their lab, and Khan has great experience being a lab friend!

I’m also really grateful that Paul has been so supportive while I’m learning how to be a good pregnant lady. He’s doing a lot of work around the house and yard. I get tempted to work a little harder than I should, but he’s helping me stay healthy and safe. 🙂 I know that not everyone has someone to support them like this. I think about single moms, wives whose husbands are deployed, and others in similar situations, and I am very thankful for where I am today.