My blogging seems to come in bursts. In fact, I’m writing several blog posts today (June 19) and then scheduling them to post once a day so I don’t clog anybody’s feed reader. But that’s okay. As long as I keep the crowd happy. Or indifferent.

Last weekend was my sixth wedding anniversary. My handsome husband took me out for dinner and dancing, which was lots of fun. I definitely picked a good guy. 🙂 He also sent me these fantastically beautiful flowers.

I posted the picture from, because I neglected to get a good picture before they started to fade. Oh, and not only did hubby choose and order beautiful flowers, he did his research to make sure the flowers were not poisonous to cats. Now that’s true love, folks. (And despite the fact that I am keeping the flowers in my bedroom, Loa keeps sneaking in and stealing the buds that have fallen on the floor.)

In other news…..well…..does anybody remember that cartoon Belle and Sebastien? Not the band, the weird anime cartoon?

Well, I always wanted a big white dog like Belle so I could ride around the mountains with her, stopping in little cottages where friendly people would let me eat bread and cheese.

Now I have a Belle.

Actually, his name is Khan, and he’s a foster dog with Freedom Farm. We’re letting him stay with us until he finds a forever home. He’s a wonderful dog, very calm and gentle. However, I’m still adjusting to the wrestling matches he and Cameron have every 15 minutes. (No, we did not name him Khan. He already had a fantastically geeky name when we met him.)

Anyway, if you need a big, fluffy goofball who can also watch your sheep (he’s a Great Pyrenees mix), this might be the dog for you.

One more thing: I’d like to invite all you Nashvillians out there to donate to this year’s Tomato Art Fest. The festival needs donations for security, street closings, etc., and any amount helps. To donate, click on the Tomato Donato meter! Thanks!