Now that I have your attention . . .

We had quite the crisis on the East Nashville list-serve last week. Someone posted that A BLIND PUPPY HAD BEEN REPORTED MISSING!!! OMG PONIES!!!1!!!11!

There were offers of help pouring in from all quarters. At least once person offered to take time off work to find the blind puppy.

Lest you think I am mocking these kind hearts, let me assure you that the puppy’s plight would have reduced me to tears had I not already seen the e-mail heralding the puppy’s rescue.

Yes, someone saw the puppy wandering in the middle of Shelby Street and took him to safety.

Fast forward a few days…

My friend Ariana met the puppy rescuer at the dog park. She found out that the rescuer contacted the puppy’s owners, but the owners decided they could no longer take care of a special needs dog.



Do you have room in your heart and home for him?

Details at Ariana’s blog.