Yes, I have been tagged for the “seven random facts” meme by nashbabe and My Time Wandering. Here goes:

Rules: Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog. Tag 7 people and link to them. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

1. I used to be deathly afraid of thunderstorms. It probably qualified as a phobia. I’m doing better with that now, though.

2. I have watched ridiculous amounts of television in my life. If you have a question about MacGyver, The Dick van Dyke Show, Stargate, or Get Smart, there’s a good chance I can answer it for you.

3. I loooooooooooooooooove hockey. That is so weird to me, because I’ve never been a big sports fan. Last year I made “play-off packs” for all the Predator players, including candy and notes of encouragement. Considering the result of the 2007 play-offs, I’m not doing that this year.

4. I had pneumonia several times as a child. I remember one Halloween when my parents discovered I had a really high fever after I had been out trick or treating, and it turned out to be another round of pneumonia.

5. I really like copyediting. It’s fun for me; it’s like playing a game or sculpting a work of art.

6. I have never seen Titanic.

7. When I was in middle school, I wished I was British. I wanted to live in the land of Sherlock Holmes and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Sometimes I hoped someone would discover I was an Irish princess and restore my family to our castle and lands (my dad’s family is Irish).

Okay, time for tags: Paul, The Musician, Ordnance, mcnickgirl, poison0ivy, Fred Jones Pt. 2, and ArmageddonKitty.