I am having a Mary Kay party next week, and no one is coming.

Okay, that’s not fair to the couple of people who are attending. They are pretty cool people, and I know we’ll have fun.

But I’m bummed that so many people can’t come.

I should have done my research before planning the party. That night I’m competing with a Preds game and…..wait for it…..the season premiere of Lost.

[smacks head]

So if you are watching the season premiere of Lost instead of coming to the party, I understand. I would probably ditch your party for my favorite show, too. 🙂

I hesitate expressing my disappointment, because I don’t want to guilt anyone into coming to the party. Parties + guilt trips = no fun. But I decided to post about this anyway. It’s kinda nice to vent frustration to the world sometimes, ya know?

I think it’s hard to attract people to a make-up party, too. Sometimes people hear “Mary Kay” and think of pink cadillacs and old ladies who wear too much makeup. Oh, and pushy saleswomen.

That’s really not the case with April, my Mary Kay consultant. A few of us have started meeting once a month or so for the girl time…no pink cars or pushy people in site. Just hanging with friends.

I bet I would get a better response if I was having a chocolate party, though.