Hello, blog. I’m sorry that I’ve been neglecting you. I’ve meant to write you several times, and now I have backlog of blog entries in my brain. Perhaps that is why I am so congested today.

2008 is off to a rollicking start. I have a cold. I was hoping it would go away after I battled against it yesterday with DayQuil and naps, but it stayed and exacted vengeance on me during the night. I was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but the cold in my head and the cold outside created a perfect storm of discomfort. I was able to sleep a little bit after adding a fleece robe to my usual ensemble of flannel jammies.

I have a crazy amount of things to do today, so I am trying to balance healthy self-care with getting things done. I decided that hot tea might help me feel a little better, so I’m making a cup right now. Thanks to both sister-in-laws, I have several lovely tea choices. I settled on some tea with a name that sounds like Numa Numa Dance…hopefully that will help me return to regularly scheduled programming.

I have a lot to do, you see, because hubby and I are going on a cruise soon (note to would-be burglars: our house still will be occupied, so don’t even think about it). I’m pretty excited, but as I am a first-time cruiser I have no idea what to expect. My frame of reference for cruises is comprised of An Affair to Remember and a Babysitters’ Club book about a Disney cruise. I’m really not looking for either of those experiences, though. Maybe something like the cruise in A Night at the Opera (make that three hard-boiled eggs!).