Okay, ladies. I’m definitely not an expert, but I figure I have a bit of street cred on the beauty front due to my brief stints as a performer and makeup consultant and my current occupation in the fashion industry. Straight from my research, classes, and personal tribulations (mostly the latter), here are my holidays beauty tips for you.

1. Treasure clear mascara as your dearest friend. I love clear mascara as a way to give my eyes definition without risking “raccoon eyes.” With my allergies and my tendency to cry, clear mascara is my go-to eye product that I know will look good all day and into the night. No, it doesn’t pack the punch of triple-your-lashes-ultra-black, but it’s reliable and easy. Plus, it doubles as brow gel to tame those unruly eyebrows.

2. Keep that eyeliner sharp. I discovered I get a neater, more professional look when I take the time to make sure my eye pencil is sharp before lining my eyes. When lining with a pencil, I use a traditional sharpener. If I am using a cream-based stick, I roll the tip of it in a tissue to mold the end to a point.

3. Let makeup be makeup, and sunscreen be sunscreen. Never the twain should meet. I learned this one the hard way. For years, my “special occasion” makeup that I used for photos, performances, and other events was thick cream foundation that included sunscreen. These products often include light-reflecting material as their active ingredients (titanium dioxide or zinc oxide). Well, when a bright light — such as a flash — hit the light-reflecting particles on my face…….um, light was reflected. In other words, I looked as pale as a ghost. So for those holiday photo sessions, skip the built-in sunscreen. A better option for protection is a product that contains a chemical sunscreen like oxybenzone.

4. Carry a dryer sheet in your purse. With my frizzy hair, this is definitely a style-saver. It may feel silly, but running a dryer sheet over my hair in the middle of the day is a great way to reduce flyaways when I’m on the go. Plus, I can eliminate any static cling still plaguing my clothes after I get to my destination.

5. Boost your confidence. Finally, I try to remember to do something that makes me feel confident about who I am. This might involve a bubble bath, a manicure, or a few minutes spent with a good book. I find what recharges me and spend a few minutes to remember who I am. Making sure I feel great on the inside is the best way to look great on the outside.