So it’s my first holiday season as a business owner. As a result, I have been neglecting my friends, my dog, my health ….

Well, not entirely neglecting. I’ve learned a lot in the past year, and a big part of that is how to take care of myself and live a balanced life. That’s part of why I started this business after all. But I’m not as present in mind and spirit as I would like to be.

I’ve experienced a lot of blessings with the business, though. I have so many friends and acquaintances (and family members!) who have offered me encouragement and enthusiasm that has been invaluable. I truly appreciate the new customers I’ve met, the random people who link to me on their blogs, the friends who tell all their friends to shop with me.
To all of you, thank you so much! I am so thankful for you.

I’ve added several new products for the holidays. If you haven’t visited lately, check it out. I hope to add even more products next week.

If you prefer to shop in person, I have three upcoming events, so come visit me!

-December 14, Holiday Boutique at Cummins Station in downtown Nashville (11am to 4pm)
-December 15, CRAFT at the Nashville Farmers’ Market (10am to 4pm)
-December 19, ghia gift party! in Inglewood (3:30pm to 7:30pm)

I’m really excited about that last event. A friend wanted to see my products, so she offered to host a party for the neighborhood. If you want to drop by, email me at clarasax[at]hotmail[dot]com, and I’ll give you directions.