All Hallows’ Eve approaches. Neighbors are hanging plastic skeletons on their doors, and I took my dog to a Halloween party at Red Rover tonight (gotta love East Nashville).

I’m trying to decide what to do for Halloween this year. I loved Halloween as a little kid. Being a chocoholic, it was totally my kind of holiday. I loved to dress up, too. For me, Halloween was like a mini-Hollywood, my chance to be an actress, to play at being a different person for one day. The makeup, the costumes — even today I wish I had more reasons to go around wearing silly outfits.

This year I don’t have any costumes or events planned, but one never knows…..Paul and I threw a last minute movie party last year, and I pieced together a Bollywood outfit in a few hours.

My current debate centers around the candy issue. I loooooooove sugar, but I’ve also had some blood sugar problems in the past, so I question the responsibility of giving out a bunch of candy to kids (writer’s note: that’s totally my issue and not a judgment on what anyone else decides to do. so chill.). But I don’t want to be the lame “raisin house” either. I always hated getting raisins in my trick-or-treat bag.

I’ve thought about trying to go the arcade prize route and giving out bouncy balls or stickers or something. Of course, if I do stick with candy, I could always spring for fair trade chocolate.

Knowing me, I’ll probably end up with whatever I find at Kroger right before the trick-or-treaters start knocking on my door. But just out of curiosity, what’s your vote?