So, I mentioned in a previous post that I am a Buzz Agent working on a campaign for 5 Gum. Basically, this means they send me their product for free, and I tell people what I think about it.

5 Gum. New sugar-free product from Wrigley.

Initially, I thought the idea of “Premium Gum,” as 5 Gum is billed, was pretty silly. What can possibly be “premium” about gum? And why would I care?

There are two main innovations to the gum. Packaging and flavor.

In my opinion, the packaging for the gum makes it look like some sort of energy enhancement product, like, Red Bull Gum or Jolt Gum or something like that. A few of my friends said the packaging reminds them of chocolate. The gum comes in a sleek, black cardboard sleeve, with a splash of color indicating the flavor. Oh, and the package also has a “5” on the front that reportedly will glow if you place it under a blacklight (ooooooooh).

The package for the gum has been designed specifically so that it can be opened with one hand. That part works pretty well. For instance, if you are driving and you want some gum, you’ll probably be able to get a stick out of the package fairly easily without resorting to using your teeth (hey, desperate times…..). Personally, I can grab a stick with one hand, but I can’t unwrap it with one hand, so it doesn’t really help me.

What I do appreciate about the packaging is its sleekness. This is a gum package I can carry around in my purse without it looking all ghetto and raggedy like other gum packaging. It looks cool enough to be club-appropriate, so if you are trying to quit smoking and decide to lean on this gum as a placebo, you won’t look dumb when you go out dancing with friends. At least, not because of your gum.

As far as flavor, 5 currently comes in three varieties: Cobalt (peppermint), Flare (cinnamon), and Rain (spearmint). Yes, it is apparent from these names that the brand thinks entirely too highly of itself.

However, the flavors do accomplish their “premium gum” goal of being long-lasting. I am a chain gum chewer when I am working on projects, and I go through one or two sticks of this gum in an hour compared to four or five of some other brands. Hubby tried the gum, too, and he agreed that it does last quite a long time (although he said the Flare gum got a bit rubbery-feeling after awhile).

So do I like this gum? Yes. Would I pay extra for it? Probably not, but maybe a little extra. However, given this gum and other sugar-free gums at the same price, I would choose this one for the happy packaging and the long-lasting flavor.

Okay, so if you made it this far, you are probably interested in gum. Well, the first three of you to comment on this post and say “Gimme the gum!” will get some free samples of 5 plus a coupon. Be sure to enter your correct e-mail address so I can contact you about mailing the samples. Oh, and peeps in the continental U.S. only, please.