Upcoming Events
BarCamp Nashville: Just registered today. Hoping to do a lot of networking and learning for ghia.

Tomato Art Fest: East Nashville’s annual festival. You must go. We shall eat. We shall throw tomatoes. We shall dress in silly costumes. Much fun will be had. (And there will be a ghia booth, where you can buy stuff!)

Random Thoughts
Hurray! The Predators will (probably-almost-for-sure) be bought by the local group!

Why is my face breaking out right now? Gr.

Our SG-1 Season 10 boxed set arrived today. The behind-the-scenes feature on the 200th episode is awesome.

I just ordered more apparel for ghia, and I need models. Are any of you bloggers out there exceptionally photogenic? Other than my husband, whom I already drafted?

I can’t decide which is weirder — Prisoners doing the Thriller dance, or video game characters doing the Thriller dance.

(not to be confused with Shrinky-Dinks)

Home-Ec 101: Natural, happy ways to clean the shower
(must try this — my current shower cleaner stuff practically burns my face off).

Harry Potter Obituaries (Thanks to MusicCityBloggers.com)
SPOILERS! Don’t read if you haven’t finished Deathly Hallows.

NASCAR Coach Reveals Secrets of Racing
(Thanks to Josh Tinley)