[Sigh . . . ]

I seem to be developing a fear of spiders. Normally, creepy-crawlies don’t bother me, unless I find them crawling on me when I am trying to finish a research project. Then I will showcase my operatic training with an ear-shattering scream.

But I digress . . . generally, spiders are okay with me. Outdoors, they can be wherever they want to be. Indoors, I reserve the right to squish them when necessary.

But lately, seeing spideys inside the house give me the shivers. This morning, I saw one in the kitchen sink. The kitchen sink! Why was there a spider in the kitchen sink?! (Yes, I know that is a fairly normal place for spiders to be, but not in MY kitchen sink . . .)

Even after I had disposed of the ill-fated arachnid, I was nauseated and out-of breath, not to mention jumpy at the thought that more spiders might be crawling up my legs at any moment . . .