We Moved.

I moved! Well, my blog moved. It was time, and with my compulsive nature I couldn’t wait. I’m very happy here in my new blog home.

We’re still hanging curtains and painting the walls around here, so if you see any spots we missed, feel free to let me know. (I did see that some of the images imported into weird tables. I’m probably not going to do anything about that. It’s beautiful imperfection, friends.)

I’m hoping to do a small giveaway later this week, so stay tuned!

(FYI, the kids and I are sick, so if the giveaway doesn’t show up rest assured we are sitting on the couch, watching cartoons.)

P.S. — For those of you who subscribe via RSS feed, looks like my last 10 posts got dumped into the feed again. Apologies! You can pretend it’s one of those “Best of” 80s TV show episodes.