My friend Sam likes to cook. Actually, she is pretty passionate about food in general. She’s an avid gardener, and she’s working to end hunger on local and national levels through Community Food Advocates, the CROP Walk, and other programs.

Yeah, she’s pretty cool.

Action shot! I made these eight-grain pancakes for my family this past Sunday.
Action shot! I made these eight-grain pancakes for my family this past Sunday.

And now Sam is bringing her passion for food to her neighbors, through her home-ground, eight-grain Sunday Morning Pancake Mix.

Now that I’ve abandoned Bisquick, my usual pancake recipe involves white wheat and white sugar. It’s yummy, but not particularly healthful. I’m excited to have a quick way to whip up a healthier morning treat for my family when I want to do something extra special.

Is Sunday Morning Pancake Mix good? Well, perhaps the best testimony I can give you is from my husband, who eats these pancakes with butter and no syrup.

My boys love these pancakes, too. The whole grains are so filling that my little guys just savor two or three pancakes instead of inhaling platefuls of empty carbs.

Sneak peek of the pancake mix product packaging. To see the awesome letterpress artwork in progress, check out the Kickstarter page.
Sneak peek of the pancake mix product packaging. To see the awesome letterpress artwork in progress, check out the Kickstarter page.

My friend Sam is in the final days of a Kickstarter campaign to pay for the commercial equipment, permits, and packaging she’ll need to get her business into full swing. She’s excited about becoming a positive force in the local food system here in Nashville. Her main distribution will be through local markets and CSAs, and she’s developing relationships with farmers to source her grain organically and locally.

So are you ready to try super-healthy, tasty pancake mix? Sam has generously offered to give away some pancake mix to one of you! You’ll receive the mix later this summer after Sam prepares her first official batch of product, featuring artwork by Nashville-based Sawtooth Printhouse!

To enter, leave a comment below by 11:59pm on May 31, 2013. Open to residents of the contiguous 48 U.S. states only, because it’s hard to ship pancake mix overseas.

Be sure to check out Sam’s Kickstarter page and Facebook page to follow the latest developments in her business! She’s developing some exciting ideas for stretch goals should she exceed her Kickstarter goal before the campaign ends.

Disclaimer: I received free pancake mix to review. Also, I bought some myself at Christmas to eat. Because it is yummy.