Fashion Revolution Day April 24th is Fashion Revolution Day.

On April 24th, 2013, a factory at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,133 people. Each year we commemorate this tragedy by focusing on fashion that values people and the environment in addition to profits. We’re looking for a better way forward.

Here are a few ways to get involved:

Wear Your Clothes Inside Out. On April 24th, wear your clothes inside out. Take a picture with the label and tag the brand, asking them #whomademyclothes?, and see if you get a response. For more information, check out Fashion Revolution.

Join a Style Challenge. Over on Instagram, the Ethical Blogger Network is hosting a style challenge called Fair Fashion April. We’d love to have you join us! Go here for the prompts, and check out the posts on Instagram.

Share Your Voice. What obstacles do you find when trying to shop ethically? Money? Style? Sizing? Comment with your thoughts below, and I’ll share the findings on April 24th.

Write the Brand. Take your curiosity a step further and contact your favorite company to ask about their manufacturing policies. Need a place to start? Made in a Free World offers an online tool to send letters to top clothing brands.

Few of us have the time, money, or energy to build the ultimate ethical wardrobe, but we can make a difference with every small action we take. Join the Fashion Revolution!