The women of Safe Refuge (photo used with permission).
The women of Safe Refuge (photo used with permission).

Do you ever have something so exciting to share that you can’t figure out how to do it justice? So you just hold it tight for a bit, savoring the feeling until it has to be let out?

Time to spill the beans!

A while ago I joined with some other ethical fashion bloggers as part of the Ethical Blogger Network. Our small, casual group focused on support and encouragement. We guest posted for one another, shared product finds, and promoted each other. Then our founder, Hannah, had a big idea.

A beautiful idea.

What if we combined our blogging power to create a new social enterprise, providing jobs for people in need?

Enter A Beautiful Refuge.

Based in the Philippines, A Beautiful Refuge will offer employment opportunities to women from Safe Refuge International, an organization dedicated to rescuing women from the effects of extreme poverty and human trafficking. Survivors of abuse and sex trafficking often have unique emotional and physical needs that create barriers to employment; A Beautiful Refuge will seek to provide safe, sustainable livelihoods to these women as they recover their health and independence.

Using fairly sourced t-shirts and textiles, A Beautiful Refuge will offer screenprinting services to local businesses in the Philipines and a line of home goods available in the United States.

Awesome, right? And we need YOUR HELP to make this happen! Help us make these jobs and these products possible. We’re hoping to raise $20,000 for equipment, textiles, photography, and other services to get A Beautiful Refuge off the ground. AND we’re hoping to do it all by March 31st! Whew!

What do you say, friends? Can you help us make A Beautiful Refuge a reality?

(If pop-ups are blocked on your computer, you can donate here.)

We’re eager to keep this process transparent, so if you have any questions, let me know! Here’s a general breakdown of projected costs.

Thanks for joining me on this journey! Watch for updates as we get things rolling!