Love in Brooklyn
Photo by Paul Nicholson

It’s coming. Are you ready?

How will you take care of yourself this Valentine’s weekend? It can be a tricky holiday, no matter where you are in life — possibly full of baggage, expectations, and heartache. But does it have to be that way?

I remember a friend telling me that when her family immigrated to the United States, her father became a big fan of Valentine’s Day. A day to tell people you love them? Fantastic!

We get to choose if and how we celebrate Valentine’s Day. If you’re choosing a new way to celebrate, here are a few ideas:

  1. Love Your Neighbor. Use the day to serve your community! Bake cookies with the kids and take them to the local fire station, or spend your special Valentine’s dinner helping at a soup kitchen.
  2. Love Your Self. If this day is hard for you, what do you need to get through the day? A good book? Time with friends? Consider yourself free to get through the day however you can.
  3. Gift Thoughtfully. If you are exchanging gifts (or giving one to yourself!), consider items that create opportunities in the lives of the makers. Thistle Farms, FashionABLE*, and Prosperity Candle are some great choices for gifts that support artisans in vulnerable populations.
  4. Express Expectations. If you’re celebrating the day with someone, remember, they probably can’t read your mind. Do you want a home-cooked dinner? Flowers? Sparkly things? Let your someone know! Trust me, you’ll both be much happier that way.
  5. Remember Your Value. Whatever your status in life right now, remember that your value is not determined by what you do, how you look, or who you are with. We are all made in the image of a God who loves us.

We don’t have to be victims of the commercial steamroller that is Valentine’s expectations, friends. However you celebrate or ignore the holiday, you have the ability to choose well!

*Denotes affiliate link.