Some of my fellow writers are knocking it out of the park lately with helpful guides on sustainable living. I found these posts wonderfully resourceful and can’t wait to share them with you!


Hannah shares How to Get Rid of Stuff Without Chucking It in a Goodwill Bin:
“Any aspiring minimalist or zero-waste living enthusiast will eventually run into the ethical issues with getting rid of stuff. Most of us who are on this lifestyle path haven’t been minimalists or conscious consumers from birth, so how do we dispose of all the stuff we’ve accumulated that we don’t want or need without contributing toward the environmental stress that’s being placed on our planet by our massive amounts of cast off goods…”



And speaking of throwing away stuff, the Ethical Writers Coalition held a fascinating zero-waste challenge recently. I loved reading updates from Leah on StyleWise. You can also follow along on Instagram with the hashtag #ewczerowastechallenge. I’m learning to be more thoughtful about what I throw away each day.



Francesca at Ethical Unicorn collected some great tips about making your clothes last longer:
“A key part of creating an ethical wardrobe is how and where you buy your clothes. The other is caring for what you already have. Fast fashion asks you to add to your wardrobe, not knowing how to care for your clothes means you need to. Today I’m going to be sharing with you a comprehensive list of the best tips, tricks and ideas for making your clothes last longer, giving your closet longevity and that ethical edge. You don’t need to feel guilty for past fast fashion purchases, just make them worth their while as part of your new ethical lifestyle.”

With so much to learn about sustainable living, I’m thankful to these writers for sharing their finds — tips for progress, not perfection, on the journey. Every step counts!