Dear Beautiful Dress,

I remember when I bought you, almost twenty years ago.

I needed a black dress for chorale concerts. I was in college and trying to find who I was. I wanted to stand out and fit in. I wanted to be special but not in the spotlight.

When I saw you in that store, I saw perfection. Your vintage lines were just what I needed. You were the external manifestation of everything I wanted to be.

The first night I wore you, a friend told me I looked like a character from Titanic, high praise in 1998.

In the years we’ve been together, a lot has changed. I’ve gotten married, had two children, entered my late thirties. I’ve gained weight. My hips are fuller, and my waist is less defined. Yet somehow, still, you fit me. You make be feel beautiful.

Thank you for staying with me, lovely dress. I’m planning to stick with you, too. No donation bins or clothing swaps are in your future. Let’s spend the next few decades growing old together.

