Blah-blah-blah, me-me-blah! Blah-blah, blah-blah, me-me-me!
(A little Finding Nemo humor for ya there.)
Photo courtesy of Paul Nicholson.

I’ve been struggling lately with how self-centered I feel on this blog.

I mean, it’s a blog…it’s an online diary. It’s going to be fairly focused on me, I suppose.

I think to some extent I’m just grumpy and restless because I’ve been sick off and on for a week. Paul and I had a stomach virus last week. While most of the symptoms only lasted a few hours, I find I’m still battling unusual fatigue. Add to that playing catch-up with housework and taking a quick weekend trip to Chattanooga…..whoo. I’m a tired girl.

Generally I go ino Ecclesiastes mode (everything is meaningless!) after a few days of being sick, so perhaps that is where I am today.