If you ask me, I’ll say I’m fine. And I think I’m fine, until I notice that every fiber in me is pulled taut.

My big guy started Parents’ Day Out today.

He went to a “day camp” version this summer, and it was a disorganized, uncomfortable experience. Perhaps that is why I had trouble sleeping last night. In fact, I’m sure it was, considering I kept dreaming I accidentally took him to back to that summer camp.

The new school, however, is a detail-oriented dream. Supply lists, handbooks, an open house to meet the teachers and see the classrooms…..all designed to put everyone at ease.

This morning was a little rushed as I struggled to haul a nap mat and school supplies and a backpack inside the school while keeping tabs on two little boys. I started to pull out my phone for a first-day picture when Ian shot into his classroom and started playing. Yeah, I think he’s going to be okay.

I’m definitely still on edge. I’m such a routine fiend that I find myself dreading all the adjustments. David’s nap now starts at 12:15 instead of 1:30 so we can pick up brother by 2pm. Then we have at least three — THREE — whole hours to fill until Daddy gets off work (those late afternoons truly can be the witching hour!).

I think this will be fun. After-school playground time with friends, maybe the occasional ice cream trip…..I’m sure we’ll fill up our time.

I just gotta go with the flow……deep breaths……