Apparently I have oily eyelids. Until a few months ago, I had never really thought very much about my eyelids. They certainly weren’t on those “t-zone” charts that I always saw as a teenager with typical combination skin (for the uninitiated, that’s skin that is dry is some areas and oily in others).

What I have known is that I can only wear one type of mascara. Regular mascara runs down my face in minutes, and even waterproof mascara gives me raccoon eyes after a couple of hours (and then I have to use a chisel to get it off — ugh!). The only mascara that will stay on my eyelashes is the kind that needs warm water for removal (I love Clinique’s version, and Sephora has another type as well).

As I get older and more courageous about letting out my inner 1940s movie star, I’ve been bolder about adding eyeliner to my makeup regimen so I can occasionally achieve a vintage look (I love this glam tutorial!). Once again, however, I find the eyeliner all over my face in less than an hour.

I first tried some ELF liquid liner to get the cat’s eye look I wanted, but when it didn’t last I invested in MAC’s gel liner, hoping for a better result. To my disappointment and surprise, the gel liner smudged throughout the day.

My eyeliner arsenal: MAC gel liner, ELF liquid liner, and MAC Paints.

I turned to a local MAC counter for help, hoping they could find a solution for my problem.

I told the MAC artist about my issues with eyeliner that won’t stay put, and he suggested the gel liner.

“Um, that’s what I’m using,” I said nervously.

He looked at me for a second. “The GEL LINER runs? Hm….Do you have oily eyelids?”

“What?! Um, not that I know of….” I stammered. Oily eyelids? I had never heard of such a thing. My skin tends to be pretty dry, so I was pretty sure I didn’t have any extra oil anywhere.

The makeup artist examined my eyes. “Ooh, yeah, there’s some shine there.”

Um, ok. So apparently I have oily eyelids. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

BUT the good news here is that once the source of the problem was found, a solution was offered. Now, whenever I want to glam with my eye makeup, I first apply MAC Paints in Bare Canvas to my eyelids. My makeup lasts all day, even when I switch back to my cheap ELF liquid liner.

(Side note: Apparently some colors of MAC Paints have some questionable ingredients. Bare Canvas is fine, but others have health warnings. Ick! I’m looking for a healthier and eco-friendly alternative.)

So anyway, I’m thinking there might be a few other ladies out there who suffer from chronic raccoon eyes like me. Be comforted, ladies — whether your eye makeup taste leans toward Taylor Swift or Betty Draper, with the right tools you can get a look you love!