Yes, I am totally wearing makeup.
I knew I would want my picture at the finish line!

Two years ago, I spent the day of the Tomato Art Fest at the hospital, embarking on a five-month sentence of bed rest.

This year, I ran my first 5k!

Yep, the girl who insisted on walking through the Presidential Physical Fitness Test in grade school is finally a runner. For about 5 years now I’ve thought about trying to run or walk a 5k, but I never got around to training or trying. This summer some of my MOMS Club friends decided to sign up for the Tomato 5k together, and I realized I finally had the motivation I needed!

When everyone started breezing past me at the beginning of the race, I felt discouraged and had to remind myself that my central goal was to finish; if I finished last, I would still accomplish my goal. I was really excited to find that I ran the race in about 36 minutes, which was faster that I had hoped!

I didn’t quite make my stretch goal of jogging the entire race. I took five or six much needed walk breaks, and I’m glad I did. I think that contributed to making the race a pleasant experience for me. Plus, jogging the entire race can be my goal for the NEXT race I enter!