I always told myself I would age gracefully. I imagined myself in the future as Helen Mirren or Colleen Dewhurst, content in my wrinkly skin and aware that beauty isn’t dependent upon age. Yet increasingly I find myself uncomfortable with the fine lines and blotches appearing on my skin. Being a mom to two boys means less sleep and more sun exposure.

So far I’m okay with my body aging, probably because a rigorous-ish exercise routine means I’m in my best shape since high school. Sure, I have a lovely C-section scar along with some stylish stretch marks, but in general I feel blessed that I have good metabolism and the means to go to the Y.

My face, however…..I guess I just wasn’t prepared for the way 32 would look on me. I’m trying to remember my sunscreen and drink more water. I’ve thought about getting a facial, but some part of me has a fear that professional skin treatments become a slippery slope that ends in Botox (that’s the same part of me that’s convinced I’ll become a hoarder if I don’t clean my house every week).

SO, now that you are privy to my secret vanity of the month, tell me — what is the hardest part of aging for you?