The kids had their regularly scheduled cold viruses last week, so we were stuck at home every day. Lots of Yo Gabba Gabba, reading, and snuggles kept us occupied for awhile, but by Friday we were all a bit stir-crazy.

Ian took the craziness to new levels, announcing to me, “I’m going to hit David.”

I looked at him in surprise. “What? Ian, why do you want to hit David?” I was glad that David was safely napping upstairs.

“Daddy will take him to the doctor. And Ian, and Mommy, and Daddy, and David.”

“But why do you want to hit him? Are you mad at him?” I asked.

“Because Daddy will have to take him to the doctor. And Ian, and Mommy, and Daddy,” he replied.

Realization dawning, I probed, “Ian, do you want David to go to the doctor because you’re bored and want to go somewhere?”

“Yeah!” he replied.

I carefully explained why we don’t hit people, and Ian and I discussed some other things to do if we’re bored or agree. “You know, buddy, if you get angry and feel like hitting someone, you can always hit something soft like a pillow or the couch. Since you’re bored, would you like to color?”

“Mommy hit Ian, and Ian hit David, and Daddy take us to the doctor, everybody!”

Oh, dear. This wasn’t going well.

“Ian, honey, please don’t say that I hit you. I mean, if I ever DO hit you, or if anyone hits you, it’s important to tell someone. But if I DON’T hit you, then please don’t tell people I did.”

“Mommy hit me, and Daddy hit Mommy, and Ian hit David, and everybody in the car, go to doctor!”

I sighed in defeat. “Ian, would you like to go outside?”

“Yes!!!!” Ian exclaimed, and we played happily for the rest of the afternoon.

Ian has had several adventures this weekend, including trips to Celebrate Nashville and Hip Zipper, so we haven’t had a return of the hitting conversation. But I can tell lots of discussion and Mister Rogers episodes are in our future. And hopefully, no more colds (heh, if only!).