The kids are sick. AGAIN. David has a cough and runny nose and is very pitiful in general. Ian’s nose is dripping as well, so I have a feeling the pitifulness is spreading.

I’ve lost count how many times the boys have been sick this year. I hate it, but I guess it comes with the territory of playgroups and Y nursery.

But all these sick days beg the question — what on earth shall I do with two sick kids? How can I keep all of us from going crazy? Our various outings for fellowship and exercise keep us physically and mentally fit, and losing that during a sick week makes everybody a bit stir crazy.

Movies and cartoons are one option, especially when everybody is so sick that they want to be held and snuggled all day. Adding a living room tent to the mix can make that a bit more exciting option that requires at least a bit of imagination.

Ian feels well enough to play today, so while David is napping Ian is creating monkeys and stars with Play-Doh. I’m thinking once David wakes up we may have some marathon book-reading sessions.

Honestly, though, I’m dreading another week where both kids (and possibly both grown-ups) are sick.

How do you keep your brood occupied when sickness comes to call?