You guys, things in East Africa are really, really bad. Drought has killed livestock and crops, causing a famine that is threatening millions of people in Somalia. Ethiopa and Kenya are severely affected as well. Some estimates say that up to 2 million children are at risk for starvation.

I cannot imagine not having enough food for my kids. I have never been unable to get the food that my family and I need. To think of watching my children die of malnourishment, unable to do anything……it’s unspeakable.

Somalia is also facing a cholera epidemic due to poor sanitation.. The country’s plight is magnified by the fact that militants control some of the hardest-hit areas, making it difficult for relief organizations to deliver help.

So I’m doing what I can. For me, this means praying for Africa and donating to World Vision’s Horn of Africa Food Crisis Fund. Maybe you know of another organization that is taking action, or perhaps you can spread the word that these people need help NOW. I think everything we do, no matter how small, makes a difference.

What are your ideas for helping malnourished families in Africa?