We’re about to disappear from real life for a few weeks. David’s surgery is June 22nd, and to make sure the surgery doesn’t get delayed we have to do our best to keep him well. So we’ll be avoiding sick people and germy situations like the plague (ha!).

With a toddler and a baby, pretty much every situation has the potential to be germy, so we’re essentially going to be isolated for a couple of weeks. No playgroups, no library trips, no Y, no church. We might be around a few healthy adults, but definitely no kids.

I am going to have one bored, stir-crazy toddler on my hands, folks. Ian loves our weekly excursions to the YMCA and neighborhood playgroups, and I love not having to think of ways to entertain him all the time. I was planning to spend much of the next two weeks outside, but it looks like the temps are going to be in the high 90s, so we’ll have to limit our outside time, as well. Play-doh and crayons to the rescue, I suppose. Ian is a big fan of the dustbuster; maybe I can use the time to have him vacuum all our carpets.