A year and a half after we added an aquarium to our home, the cat has finally discovered the fish. It’s their own fault, really.

The first 18 months of fish ownership passed mostly without incident. We started the tank with black tetras, added some bala sharks, and threw in some algae sharks to keep the tank clean. We lost one algae shark, but other than that, everyone seems to be pretty happy.

Oh, except when the bala sharks have psychotic episodes.

Several months after we bought them, the bala sharks started splashing around the tank, zooming from one side to the other and bumping into things. We think they are startled by people moving near the tank — they tend to spaz while they are being fed, although it can happen at any time.

We had some friends house sit for us while we were on the cruise, and we figured we should warn them about our crazy fish. We told them that the fish occasionally freak out, but they worst they could do is knock over the heater in the tank. No big deal, just put the heater back in its place.

So Friend #1 is sitting by the fish tank, working on the computer. Friend #2 walks in the room, and the fish start to spaz. Friend #1 leaves the room for a moment, then hears Friend #2 yelling, “Oh, Crap! Oh, Crap! OH, CRAP!”

Apparently, one of our bala sharks had decided that this was the day to make a bid for freedom and JUMP OUT OF THE TANK. Friend #1 frantically found a net and returned the bala shark to the tank.

Friend #2, in the meantime, got the job of restraining the cat, who was experiencing a new awareness about her household companions.

One of the bala sharks made another leap after we got home from the cruise, although it was returned safely to the aquarium after flopping around the floor for a bit.

And now, this is how Loa the cat spends most of her days:

Loa watching the aquarium.

Better yet, not content to simply sit and watch the fish, she has started trying to catch them. Every 10 minutes or so she will leap up the side of the tank and try to swipe one. She doesn’t seem to mind the fact that she hits smooth glass every single time.

I won’t be surprised if one day she figures out how to knock the cover off the top of the aquarium.

Fish, your days are numbered. Just thought you should know.

Loa Attacks! from Christy Nicholson on Vimeo.
Video of Loa attacking the aquarium.