

I don’t even want to type this.

The summer of 2007 is shaping up to be a rough one for me.

One friend moved away due to a divorce, two other friends are moving to Atlanta, my favorite sports team has been probably will be might be sold, and my favorite TV show is ending.


I mean, I know that if those are my only complaints I am living a truly blessed life. And I am grateful for what I still have. But all these farewells are putting me in a rather Eeyore-ish mood.


So the sports team — most of you are familiar with that subject. Things are not looking so good for my beloved Predators. The community really is stepping up with some great campaigns like and However, potential future owner Jim Balsillie is gunning to move the team to Canada, and Craig Leipold — stuck with a team he can’t afford — is slashing the payrolls. Timonen and Hartnell already are gone, Kariya and Forsberg may be next . . . and one of my faves, Hordichuk, may not be back, either.

The TV show — Stargate SG-1. I love this show. It has had better years than this season, but it has had worse years, too. I miss Richard Dean Anderson’s presence, but I still would love to see this show keep going. Atlantis just doesn’t have the same value for me. I think more than anything I am frustrated that they cancelled this show once it finally seemed to return to a great story arc. The writers expected to be cancelled at the ends of several other seasons and often would wrap up important stories in case the season finale turned out to be the series finale. This time we are still in the midst of a storyline. (Paul posted some great thoughts about SG-1 and the show’s self-awareness at his blog the other day. Check it out.)

The friends moving — well, that just stinks. It’s life, but it stinks. I am really going to miss them.

My friends who are moving to Atlanta have the cutest baby in the world, and I am sad that I will miss seeing her grow up. Yes, I am being a bit dramatic — Atlanta isn’t THAT far away. But I’m sad.

I think a lot of my grief over my friends moving is due to my fear. I love these people, and I can’t imagine ever finding more friends who understand me like they do. Nevermind that I still have some amazingly awesome, kind, understanding friends here in Nashvegas. My mind just tends to latch on to the worst case scenario for things, and right now it says that I AM GOING TO BE LONELY AND DESPERATE FOR FRIENDS.