Daddy prepares for his business trip. David comes down with a vicious tummy virus and spends the afternoon alternating between crying and sleeping. Daddy and Ian make an emergency Wal-Mart run for diapers, a thermometer, and chocolate to help Mommy survive the week.

Daddy leaves around 5am.
Mommy gets Ian to preschool, then bums around the house with David. Many books are read. Pick up Ian from school, then we hang around the house building with Legos. David seems well, and Mommy starts to get excited about playdates with friends planned for the next day. Then David gets sick again. Playdates cancelled. After bedtime Mommy cleans a bit, folds some laundry, and eats some chocolate to congratulate herself on surviving the first day.

Afternoon fun
Afternoon fun

In the morning everyone heads outside for gardening and swinging, determined to have a fun day despite cancelled plans. Post-nap snack involves popsicles on the porch, then we head inside for Play-Doh time. Walk to Sonic for dinner. Bedtime is a bit rough as Ian and David decide to see if Mommy is as good at enforcing bedtime rules as Daddy. After bedtime Mommy cleans a bit, then eats some chocolate and watches Call the Midwife to congratulate herself on a fun day.

24 hours with no tummy trouble! Mommy declares David cured and heads to the library for story time. We hide from the afternoon heat with indoor Lego time and nail trims while watching scenes from Singin’ in the Rain and Curious George. Dinner plan? East Nashville Farmers Market. We get to the market and grab a snack. David starts screaming in pain and has a massive dirty diaper. The virus has reemerged. Mommy drives home with David wailing in the backseat. Ian tries to cheer him with annoying noises. Mommy throws together a random dinner for Ian while holding David. Eventually gets both boys tucked in. After bedtime, Mommy eats lot of chocolate and watches Call the Midwide while crocheting, resolving to clean “later.”

A call to the pediatrician reassures Mommy that David does not have an exotic parasite. The nurse says David can be around other kids. After a nice quiet morning at home, we have an adventurous afternoon and evening involving a car oil change, a stroll around downtown, and a trip to Cheekwood to see Coal Train Railroad. We wander around Cheekwood, waiting for the light sculptures to start glowing, only to have to rush home when Ian has to potty right away but only in his potty at home. Sigh. After bedtime, Mommy ignores all the dirty dishes and toys strewn across the house, makes a hot chocolate mug brownie, and watches Call the Midwife while waiting for Daddy’s 11:35pm flight to arrive.

Daddy is home. He still has to work, but he takes a long lunch to hang out with the family. Mommy takes a long nap.


Hats off again to all you moms out there who spend a lot of time solo parenting. I can keep it all together for about two days, and then the super-human pace starts to wear on me.

Thanks, Paul, for being a great dad. You sharpen my parenting skills, and I love how we work as a team. The kids and I are so thankful you are in our lives. There’s nothing like a week without you to remind us how much we treasure you in our lives.