So, are you planning to buy season tickets for the Predators next year? You were? Oh, good! Can you do me a favor?

If you are going to buy new season tickets next year, and the crazy hockey musings from Paul or me have inspired you, we would love it if you would give us a referral.

You see, if someone buys a partial season ticket package for next year, like a 13-game pack, we get $100 added to our Preds account! So, in theory, if we got 5 people to buy 13-game packs, that would more than cover the cost of our tickets. (We get $200 when someone buys a full season ticket package, and I think we get credit when someone buys group tickets.)

Pretty cool, eh?

I think this is an awesome thing to do for fans, and it’s a great way for the Preds to increase their attendance.

Even if you aren’t sure you can buy tickets next year, give our ticket rep a call and find out about the different packages available. You might be surprised by some of the affordable options available.

Here’s our ticket rep’s info:
Tiffany Vanek

Our account number is 6032169. Be sure to tell them our account number so we get referral credit.

Okay, thanks for listening!