Okay, have you guys seen the trailer for Babies? It may reduce you to tears or giggles. I first saw it when I was about 8 months pregant with Ian, and I thought my heart would explode with all the baby-ness. I wouldn’t say it’s the cuteness, exactly– it’s the beauty and cycle-of-life type of thing ADDED to the cuteness that makes it so powerful.

I had forgotten about the movie until I got an email from BzzAgent.com asking me to promote the movie on my blog. They’re running a contest where mommies can win diapers and strollers and such by publicizing the movie. I pretty much have all the diapers I need, but I figure the movie is so fun that I would tell you guys about it anyway. Oh, and if you want to write your own blog post for a chance to win, go to BzzAgent.com and sign up.

Okay — disclosures out of the way, watch the trailer and enjoy:

I’m really curious about this movie. I’m wondering if it will have some sort of political or social statement to it or attempt to remain an impartial observer. I’m also curious about my response to these scenes — will I enjoy and learn from the differences of how a baby in Namibia is raised, or will I mourn that they don’t have the luxuries my little boy possesses? (I’m guessing a little of both.)

What do you guys think about this movie? Are you going to go see it?