I really do want to blog more, but I put so many expectations on myself for each post that am paralyzed by perfectionism.

I want to write a thoughtful rant (oxymoron?) about how the road can be shared among pedestrians, bikers, and drivers. So far, though, I haven’t had the time and/or inclination to spend 20 minutes composing this amazing manifesto.

I kinda want to write about more baby questions, like should I register for everything I want and hit consignment sales to fill in the gaps, or should I start shopping consignment sales now? However, I don’t want this blog to turn into all-baby, all-the-time.

I might write about ghia stuff. Right now I’m booking holiday parties at friends’ houses, and that’s exciting. I also had a product photo shoot with a friend today. Oh, and I’m looking around for a new fair trade clothing supplier, because my clothing supplier is unreliable. Unfortunately, their clothes are super-cool, and I haven’t been able to find the same level of fabulousness in another company.

So I guess I can write about a little of everything and combine it into one decent blog post. That works.

I also have a way for people to get discounts on Preds tickets. Guess I’ll save that for another post, though. Heh.