So, I have my first jazz gig Tuesday night.

Several students from the Nashville Jazz Workshop will be performing at Edgehill Studios Cafe on Tuesday, March 4. We’ll be there from 6:30pm to 9pm.

I’ve taken two classes at the Nashville Jazz Workshop, and I’ve had a lot of fun. I’ve never performed jazz in a public setting, though, so I’m pretty nervous about the gig. I know it will be a great experience, and I figure I can try to channel some Ella if I forget my words.

I will be performing FIRST at 6:30pm (eeeeeeeeeeek!), so get there early if you want to see me. We would love to be able to pay our band for their time, so if you can bring a couple of bucks for the tip jar, that would be great.

This is a student gig, so I’m guessing the performers will range from awesome to meh. However, if you come, please clap and cheer like we are the bestest singers you’ve ever heard. This is a time for encouragement, not honesty. 😀

So, see you Tuesday night:
Edgehill Studios
1201 Villa Place
Nashville, TN 37212
(corner of Edgehill and Villa, one block off of Music Row)