“Hug and kiss!” Ian demanded as I tucked him into bed. No “please,” not even a full sentence. Just a demand. I mentally rolled my eyes as I leaned over and performed what he commanded. The kid sure does take me for granted, I thought.

And then I realized the beauty of that statement. Maybe I’m doing something right.

Not that I want my child to take me or anybody else for granted. I hope to raise a grateful, polite child who is full of kindness and grace for other human beings.

But for the moment, if my little man takes me for granted, it means he counts on me. He knows Mommy will be there, and Mommy will take care of him. He doesn’t give it a second thought.

Somehow, despite my many failings and inconsistencies, I’ve managed to become a constant in his life. By God’s grace, I hope I can stay that way for a long time.

We’ll keep working on the “please,” though.