Okay, ladies, what’s your secret? Does an army of house elves clean your house every night? Do you plop your kids in front of a TV so you can fold laundry? How do you keep your home up and running AND find time to remember your name?

When I worked in the corporate world there were seminars and systems for being more productive. All I can think is that somehow I miss the seminar for stay-at-home moms. Maybe they forgot to send me a postcard.

Each day I have wonderful dreams of how much I will accomplish, only to fall into bed every night and wonder where the hours went. The laundry piles up, the floor stays dirty, and the cat has to wait one more day for a litter change. I mean, yes, the baby gets fed and nurtured, but that’s about the extent of my productivity. And I know the baby care is super important, but hey, so is having clean clothes.

There are temporary fixes, of course. I can hire some housekeeping help or let someone else watch Ian while I work. But I’m looking for a long-term solution in how I handle everyday life.

A few months ago I spoke with a friend who is one of those amazing, do-everything people. She owns a business and chairs a food bank and teaches piano lessons while taking care of three kids and maintaining a charming personality. I asked her how she manages to be so productive. Her answer? “You don’t want to be as busy as me.”

I think I may need a closer look at a saying I hear from time to time — Don’t compare your insides to other people’s outsides. That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. I look at my friends who work outside the home or find time for lots of playdates or style their hair perfectly every day and wonder — how? How do they do it? How are their lives so perfect? And I miss the sacrifices they’ve made, the tough decisions they’ve fought through to keep the things that are important to them.

I guess I’m in that process, figuring out what goes and what stays.

But in the meantime…….spill it! Tell me your secrets for keeping your household sane.